Tag Archives: mennonite

Intersection of The Environment, Mennonite Faith, and White Centered Culture

August 16, 2020 Sermon at Germantown Mennonite Church, reflections from a swamp, considering Joseph and his brothers, Genesis 45:1-15


https://www.germantownmennonite.org/ Go to the podcast for August 16, 2020, for the full service.

I’ve been a member at Germantown Mennonite Church since 1976 (!) when my Church Membership transferred in, along with my parents, the year I went off to college. We have a tradition of lay people providing a sermon off and on, and during the years that there weren’t a lot of women voices, I made a point of speaking once a year. Once our pastor was a woman, I did not see the need to continue that pattern. But an occasional sermon, well, this I can do.

Check on the links above for either the written version, or the podcast version (full service). (My talk starts at 28 minutes.)